Description : Respawning medicine wax, Phra Arjan O, Phut-ta-sa-than Wihan Thammarat.
+Phra Arjarn O used the pure wax and some herbs that has medicinal treatment for skin disease to mix with the respawning medicine oil for convenience to use and carry.+
The history of the respawning medicine oil is that many years ago, Phra Arjarn O used this oil to cure a woman who has Melanoma until she was better and feel that she got a new life again happily. Moreover, a woman who has psoriasis try to commit suicide because her boyfriend left her alone after she become more ugly but, after she used the respawning medicine oil, her skin was cured surprisingly until she could got a new boyfriend and had a cute child together. Furthermore, one family consisted of father, mother and son were suffered from the skin disease but, they were cured after using the respawning medicine oil. Therefore, the respawning medicine oil can help the patients to be better from the skin disease like as giving a new life to them. This is the origin of the name of this medicine oil.
This oil has coconut oil as the main ingredient that scrape and squeeze from 400 coconuts estimately according to the secret technic until got the coconut oil about 1 bucket only. After that, the coconut oil will be simmered with various kinds of herb before blessing completely. This oil can be used to rub on the surface of the body skin that has skin disease, insect bites&stings, sprain, bruise, or use to eat to cure inside contusion from the big accident also.
Status : Sold.
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